Meditations by Ian White Maher: Praise | Gratitude | Joy | Transformation

Meditations by Ian White Maher: Praise | Gratitude | Joy | Transformation

Hosted by: Ian White Maher

Meditations by Ian White Maher. Explorations into encountering the sacred in every day living, falling passionately in love with God, and transforming the world

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Claim the Truth of Who You Are

Episode #25

We live in an era marked by a fleeing from darkness, a fleeing from the reality of mortality and that which we cannot control. We try to illuminate everything, because perhaps if we cast a light everywhere no darkness...
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Walk Your Walk of Lament on a Path of Praise

Episode #24

We suffer from a crisis of grace. We suffer from the belief that there is just not enough love for us, for all of us, like there is some sort of grace scarcity. So we hoard and act selfishly believing we will starve...
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We are called to tell the people

Episode #23

Where is the intentionality to be in deep relationship with the Beloved, with the Divine, with the Holy? It is not just enough to walk away from the structures that don’t feed us; the kings and the creeds and the...
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Mount Love's Stallion

Episode #22

Lovers of love, we are not condemned to being condemned. Our purpose is adoration. But the adoration goes both ways. Just as we lay flowers on the altar, flowers are laid on our altar as well. Just as we light the...
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All actual life is encounter

Episode #21

Martin Buber wrote, “The concentration and fusion into a whole being can never be accomplished by me, can never be accomplished without me. I require a You to become; becoming I, I say You. All actual life is...
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Bowing to the sacred body

Episode #20

The body is a sacred instrument. It is powerful, it is full of possibility, it is beautiful. And yet most of the time we live disconnected, disembodied from this sacredness. This miracle of existence that has come...
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Becoming aware of our moral conditioning

Episode #19

Shaking ourselves free from our moral conditioning is perhaps the hardest spiritual task we can take on. It is difficult because we are so adamant in our moral convictions. We would never say, “We know all there is to...
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We are in love with our own slavery

Episode #18

What you think about God really says more about you than it says about God. God is not a what. God is not a thing. There is no “this is” that can be called God. God is immaterial. But the water we swim in, that which...
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Starving for joy

Episode #17

We often speak of joy as if it is a synonym for happiness, but happiness and joy are different. Happiness is an intimately personal sensation. Joy is about connection...Joy is about feeling a part of something larger...
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The Spiritual Disciplines of Seduction

Episode #16

There is something incredibly beautiful about your soul. Something that draws others in, that draws God to you. What is it? What is it that God desires in you? I think it is not enough for us to try to be good. I...
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Spiritual commitment or cheap grace?

Episode #15

Whether we like it or not, whether we think it is just or not, the world is now in the care of human beings. Our actions dictate and determine the life of every other animals now living on the planet. All so-called...
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The Mended Cup of Meaning

Episode #14

I don’t want to move on from this grief just yet. All around me I hear the clamor of advocates demanding some action and I, too, want action, but I don’t want it just so I can avoid sitting with this grief. Our cup of...
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