Meditations by Ian White Maher: Praise | Gratitude | Joy | Transformation

Meditations by Ian White Maher: Praise | Gratitude | Joy | Transformation

Hosted by: Ian White Maher

Meditations by Ian White Maher. Explorations into encountering the sacred in every day living, falling passionately in love with God, and transforming the world

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Befriending the Dark

Episode #37

Our spiritual origins rest in this silent mystery. We cannot know God until we are ready to say yes to the dark. It is in the dark soil that the seed first begins to sprout. It is in the dark womb that the child is...
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The Tortured God of My Youth

Episode #36

The God of my youth was a tortured figure forced to walk a high wire over dangerous beasts of prey who snapped their jaws below waiting for the tortured God to make mistake and fall into their pit. This God was a...
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More Jonah than Mary

Episode #35

I could hear my spiritual director lean into the phone as she asked, And how many people do you think Gabriel visited before Mary said ‘Yes’? Such an idea had never even crossed my mind. The story of Mary, for me...
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An Obesity of Grief

Episode #34

I don’t know if every spiritual experience requires suffering, but I would guess that it does, at least on some level. For the ego to collapse, for us to leave behind the story of who we think we are in order to step...
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The Spiritual Solution

Episode #33

I don’t believe in fate nor in an interfering God. But I do believe that creation is always calling out to us, always inviting us into a deeper relationship, which is made visible in the world by a greater desire for...
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The Aspirations of Fantasy

Episode #32

Our lives are not consolation prizes with our fantasies being the lottery ticket we missed out on, which is not to say we shouldn’t examine “be here now.” We should. We should examine it precisely because it seems to...
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Plant Your Apple Tree

Episode #31

What is our call as spiritually motivated people? As people who believe in the transformative power of faith? Is it a question of living out our character, of upholding and promoting a set of community values that is...
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Living In A State of Anger

Episode #30

The anger that lives in us comes both from our personal lives, pain and slights we have experienced, and from the larger community of which we are a part. We cannot fully resolve to be without anger if we are...
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The ministry of beauty in the world

Episode #29

There seems to be a whisper from beyond. A whisper we don’t quite hear so clearly, but we know it’s there. The whisper is so powerful because it calls out to us constantly, like the stream that wears away a rock. And...
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Pretty is as pretty does

Episode #28

Anaïs Nin is famously quoted as saying “We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are.” Which leaves a particular indictment of beauty on the table. The grasping for beautiful things, be they people or objects,...
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We have been called into a communion of subjects

Episode #27

We are not here by accident. We have been called to honor the Sacred of the earth. We have been called to choose enlightened compassion over self-centered and socially conditioned power. We have been called to prayer...
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A love song for the fall equinox

Episode #26

All around us we see people living divided lives because they think they need to protect themselves from the planet and either wall it off or stand above it. But on this sacred day, this day of changing light, even as...
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